Dear friends:
As all the Members of the Spanish Arbitration Club know, since its constitution, the CEA has been working in compliance with its objectives of promoting arbitration in the business and legal community, serving as a forum for the exchange of ideas among specialists in the field, promoting the study and scientific research on the legal institution of arbitration, establish a set of good arbitration practices and promote the creation of a large arbitration community around international arbitration in Latin America.
And thanks to everyone’s efforts, the CEA is now a splendid reality that has more than 1,100 members from 43 different countries and 30 international chapters (and several in constitution), which allows us to be in a privileged position regarding the perspective of reality and international trends.
This heritage is what we always intend to take advantage of in our Annual Congress, which we have been holding every year since 2006 and which has become, thanks to the support you give us, an event that is already a must on the international arbitration agendas.
In all the Congresses we have tried to address issues that always have a special significance and / or actuality, and that, consequently, are of greater interest to all those who, in one way or another, are linked to the institution of arbitration, a task that becomes more difficult in each edition.
Following this criterion, the 15th CEA International Arbitration Congress is entitled “Arbitration in the 21st century: Challenges and Opportunities”
It will analyze very new topics such as “The Economic Analysis of Arbitration”, “Artificial Intelligence in Arbitration”, “Climate Change and Arbitration”, “New Opportunities for Arbitration in the Digital Economy” and ” The Virtual Arbitration Experience” as well as the “Singapore Mediation Convention”.
The work sessions are detailed in the program, which allows you to have a greater knowledge of how the specific topics that we have enunciated will be developed, which will be analyzed by prestigious speakers from different countries and continents, an analysis that will be enriched by the exchange of experiences that the congressmen will have the opportunity to present.
It is necessary to point out the special circumstances that occur in this Congress as a consequence of the pandemic that has plagued the world since February 2020 and that forced the suspension of our Congress in that year.
As you can suppose, we have been following the evolution of the situation day by day to see the best formula for holding the Congress. Fortunately, the evolution of mass vaccination in Spain and in the countries of origin of the vast majority of our congressmen has allowed us to opt for the one hundred percent face-to-face formula, which was our goal because it is the one that best adapts to the Club’s DNA and very especially in these moments when we have not had the possibility for a long time to see each other, exchange ideas and ultimately to enjoy our mutual personal company.
For this reason, we have not forgotten the importance and need to offer networking opportunities to congressmen, so we have maintained a wide agenda of social events, which will offer them numerous opportunities while enjoying emblematic places of Madrid and its magnificent gastronomy.
All this while maintaining the inalienable objective of preserving the security of the congressmen by adopting all the necessary measures, including compliance with those applicable by law, to enjoy a safe congress.
The above translates into a series of obligatory actions, of which we would like to mention two:
• All congressmen will be required to confirm their registration with a vaccination certificate, or a PCR or antigen test done three days before the congress.
• The number of registrations in the congress will be limited depending on the capacity that guarantees that security and consequently the registrations will be attended in a first come-first serve basis, establishing a waiting list before the possibility of a possible increase in capacity depending on the applicable standards.
We therefore encourage you to register as far in advance as possible to ensure that you can enjoy the Congress.
We want to thank you, once again, for your continued support and invite you, with your presence, which is the driving force and reason for the Congress, to make possible, for another year, its success.
It will be a pleasure to have the opportunity to personally welcome you to Madrid and to our Congress.
Kind regards,
Carlos de los Santos
President of the CEA
Julio González Soria
President Organizing Committee of the
Congress. Vice President of the CEA.